Saturday, October 19, 2013

Balcony Garden: Late Summer-Early Fall

Here's the garden as it was in July. The red flowers died out by early August, so while the hummingbirds loved them, they won't be making a return appearance next year.

Here's the garden from last week (the glare is a little harsh). I'm not sure if the strawberry (front) will bloom and produce again, but I can't bear to get rid of it despite it not producing a single berry in months. You can't see the rosemary very well, but it is going strong. The peppers have been relatively disappointing. A mere handful  all summer compared to the endless supply I was used to getting in Texas. I don't think the peppers will be included again next spring. The basil is still going, but it has taken on a rather minty flavor.

I just ripped out the yellow flowers today and will likely yank the peppers and basil next week (there will be some spicy pesto on the menu!). The white flowers are probably going too. I'm hoping to get some native plants to see if I can attract more butterflies. I'll also be doing greens again in the big pot (the one with the saucer), but probably need to wait a couple weeks to start them.


  1. Dude, I don't know what happened this year, but we've been having freezing night after freezing night. It's gonna be a test of what makes it (I'm pretty sure my firespike plant and philippine violet are toast along with, perhaps, one of my agaves. I don't know about the rest)

    1. I remember that week in central Texas a few years back where it stayed below freezing for 3 days straight. I thought I lost a lot of plants, but several came back from roots the following spring. No such freezing problems here. :-)
